Black Friday Lady Death (Blu-ray) (Widescreen)
You will not regret shopping for it. The Lady Death (Blu-ray) (Widescreen) is decent for the price. very satisfied customer satisfaction.
You will not regret shopping for it. The Lady Death (Blu-ray) (Widescreen) is decent for the price. very satisfied customer satisfaction.
Black Friday Lady Death (Blu-ray) (Widescreen) By listed on Walmart.
Lady Death (Blu-ray) (Widescreen) In 15th-century Sweden, Hope, the beautiful daughter of Matthias - a skilled mercenary who is in actuality Lucifer, the Lord of Lies - is accused of being the devil's consort following a hellish incident witnessed by local villagers. Sentenced by the town priest to be burned at the stake, Hope is visited by the malevolent Pagan as she writhes in pain. Unable to think clearly, she accepts Lucifer's offer of life in Hell over a hideously painful death... only to discover that there are far worse fates than dying. Lucifer's grand plan to corrupt a soul of pure innocence meets unanticipated resistance, as Hope rejects Lucifer's scheme and eventually finds herself transformed into the powerful warrior Lady Death, who challenges the Lord of Lies for control of Hell itself. Production Featurettes, Director's Commentary. Rated for Ages 14 and Up..
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